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Text Neck

By February 15, 2022April 27th, 2022No Comments

What is Text Neck?

As its name implies, text neck refers to pain and discomfort, which may lead to degeneration, from poor posture over time when using your cell phone. This condition is also known as ‘tech neck’ because the same symptoms can arise from incorrect posture while engaging with any kind of technology. What causes the damage to the cervical spine is a repetitive strain to the muscle and tissue in the upper spine. The average weight of the adult head is about eleven pounds, and when tilted to look down, fifty-to-sixty pounds of force is placed on the vertebrae, ligaments, muscles, and tendons in the neck. The neck is not meant to take on this weight for extended periods of time, increasing the importance of care and self-care needed to prevent long-term damage.

What Are The Symptoms of Text Neck?

Symptoms of text neck can vary but range from mild discomfort and aching to a reduced range of motion and stiffness. Text neck can also result in headaches or tingling in the hands and arms due to irritated and inflamed spinal nerves.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

At the Chiropractic Spine Center, Dr. Nick hears the complaints and concerns of each patient and performs a postural screening in order to properly evaluate their condition. If there are misalignments in the cervical spine, as usually seen with text neck, we develop a plan singular to you to treat and strengthen the area. Assigning physical therapy exercises and stretches is a pivotal piece of the healing process. There are easy stretches, such as Bruegger’s stretch, that can be done at your desk periodically throughout the day. To do the Bruegger’s stretch, sit upright on the edge of your chair, and extend your arms out and to your sides with palms facing out. Lift your chest to the ceiling and put your head back slightly so you’re looking up. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds and repeat once an hour to encourage strength and flexibility and prevent further damage.

*Refer to the picture below for a visual example of Bruegger’s stretch*